Saturday, 30 July 2011

My Mission

So I've been blogging on here a while now and its about time I told you what I'm all about:

Increasing your wardrobe wearability

You spent good money on your clothes so instead of chucking them all away lets get some more use out of them! By re-using and re-working items you already own we can make more economic sense out of your clothes.  I utilise dress agencies, seamstresses and eBay to help you get more out of the clothes hanging in your wardrobe: more money, more ways, more wear.

Why buy more when you can buy better?

Shopping is fun and there are always times when you think 'I really want something new to wear' but what's the point of spending £10 or £20 on a top you are only going to wear once? If you know what staple items are missing in your wardrobe then you can shop specifically for them instead of chucking money away on things you don't need.

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