Saturday, 28 January 2012

The best time to shop...

Shopping is now a 24/7 activity: online, on the high street, on your phone. The choice of when to shop, how to shop, has exploded. But if the high street is still your poison, these are my top tips are getting the best out of your shopping experience:
1.       Shop as early in the day as possible. You will have more space, more attention from the shop assistants, and more choice.
2.       If you can’t shop early, shop before lunch. Big shops get deliveries of stock every day, smaller shops 2 or 3 times a week. Deliveries contain new lines and replenishment of lines already on the shopfloor. Shops usually give themselves a deadline (11am or lunchtime) by which all new lines of stock have to be put out on the shopfloor. This means brand spanking new clothes and you get a full size ratio of brand new stock to pick from – no missing size 10s and trying to squeeze yourself into an 8.
3.       Shop in the week, not the weekend. Saturday and Sunday have always been the days when, traditionally, the high street was swamped due to people working 9-5 Monday to Friday. Even though people work nights/work from home, Saturday and Sunday are still the busiest days on the high street due to kids not being in school on these days. Monday will always be the quietest day and as the week progresses, the shops get busier.

Let me know how you get on. Til next time…x

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